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Our Inspiration

“Being a couple in an urban cosmopolitan isn’t easy. We have first hand experience. Juggling multiple schedules, 50-hour workweeks and everyday chores almost always gets in the way of doing something new. We seem to miss out on so much of the fun stuff happening around us! Add to that, the complexity of picking the right plan and making it happen.


Our conversations with other couples made us realize, we weren’t the only ones. This is our inspiration for Couple Of Us.


Crafted for couples much like ourselves, Couple of Us is a platform to do extraordinary things, together. We curate and create experiences that are a spin on the regular. We take the headache and the guesswork out of planning, so all you need to do is pick from a calendar of awesome and show up. 


Request for an invite and we’ll be in touch".


Rhea & Sidd

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